Webinar Internet Marketing Coaching
I just wanted to tell you how helpful the webinar was. I am a visual learner so it
was great. I am now looking forward to much more training. Also, I am so thankful that I found you and Scent-Sations. You have so much
knowledge (MLM and internet) and I just love learning as much as I can. Thank you for being so patient with me. Each day I learn more and am confident that in a short time I will get a good handle on all of this. Thanks again and have a good evening.
I was very impressed Sue with not only the system but the ease you had
explaining everything. Very professional presentation Sue. Bruce
Sue, It was an outstanding presentation. I was very impressed with your ease
and self confidence. I like that a lot. I am so glad to have finally found a mentor that will help me get to where I want to be in this business. The online visibility was super for someone who is really a visual person. It makes it so much easier to follow along. Now if my hand could write as fast as the eye can see, I'd be good! I am trying to get signed up on Aweber with an affiliate link and have forgotten
what number I use. I don't use yours do I? I use my own but I am not sure what it is! I have it somewhere but I may have to ask for it again. I have so much information circling around in my head that my brain feels like mush! LOL! Thanks again for all you are doing to make me a success!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Women's Conference speech at a company Convention in Salt Lake City 2000. Be sure your speakers are turned up!
I've known Sue Seward since the mid nineties when she joined me in network marketing. At that time she referred to herself as a "stay at home mom", but I could see her tremendous potential. Sue was dedicated to learning how to be successful in network marketing and how to market on the internet. I taught her all I knew, but she passed me quickly and went on to be a huge success. Where I was once her teacher and mentor, I now consider her my friend. I'm very proud of Sue, the person she has become, and the success she has achieved. Sue is a leader in the truest sense of the word. - Rod Nichols, Author, Pastor, Network Marketing Professional
I'm grateful to be associated with one of the hardest workers and one of the most George Madiou - President and Co-founder The Network Marketing Magazine, Inc Thank you so much Sue - we really appreciate you and your expertise. This is going to be a very To Your Abundance, Gracanne Keohohou Lee Direct Selling Women's Alliance Phone: 888-417-0743 Fax: 888-453-5114 Grace@mydswa.org
**************************************************************** Hi Sue, "We grow in difficult times! I literally have learned this from real life experience. Growth comes when you have to overlook an insult, forgive a wrong, and do the right thing even when the wrong this is happening and you do not understand why it's happening. It's not happening TO you, it's happening FOR you!" That is a very insightful statement! You're a good leader, Sue, and I'm glad to be on board with you, girl! Looking forward to growing myself, and my business under you.
Have a great day, Debra Smith I spent my whole life either owning or managing small businesses. I was always very successful at it. The bad thing was however, I never had any piece of mind. There always seemed to be struggles and problems and more struggles and more problems. That just seemed to be the way business is. When your company is small you have no time and no money. As your company grows you really have no time and often times the hours / money ratio is still very poor. That's why Robert Kiyosaki author of a whole slew of New York Best selling books including Rich Dad Poor Dad simply states "I feel sorry for anyone in their own business regardless of size, except those in Network Marketing." Robert Allen says the same. Donald Trump says the same and on and on it goes. So what do we do? How do we determine the best company to be with? It's not easy. I still get probably 5 different offers a day. They all promise basically the same thing , huge rewards for very little effort. They all sound tempting. So once again " what do we do?" Some of you know my story or at least bits of it perhaps. I would like to say that after 50 years of age my finances are in order, investments are flourishing and that I spend my summers vacationing. But I can't. After working harder than anyone I know, at age 50, I was no better off than I was at 30. Reality--- embarrassingly enough, I was worse off. One of the few things I had going for me was a very good friend in Texas who I should have listening to all along. I always ask everyone to Google Sue Sewards name because simply put it shows you the credible person I chose to turn to. She knows all the different offers we are deluged with. She is a home business expert and her advice to me was Bruce, "This is the one and only business to be in. Stop looking this is the real thing. Here's the piece of mind you are looking for." To make a long story short she was right. If your looking, please consider this business. Your investment is small, your training is the best anywhere, your product is superior. You'll be with truly some of the most amazing people you'll ever meet. The price is right. You'll be able to have and offer piece of mind knowing that with all the offers out there you made perhaps the smartest choice in all of Network Marketing. Sue knows it, and everyone in this business knows it. Come join us. We want you along on the ride, and remember------- we'll do it together. Take care. Bruce Oberlin Small Business Owner
We all know that creating an online presence is an essential part of having a comprehensive business plan for any MLM opportunity. Knowing and doing are two different things. It's exciting to be working directly with you, Sue, given your 12 years of experience online. The internet training you've put together for the benefit of our team will be a practical, comprehensive, "how to" series. It's not a "cookie-cutter" approach - this is not a "do everything that I'm doing" approach. Individual team members will be able to design their online marketing plans choosing what will fit their personalities and their financial budgets. I'm excited to be on the frontlines of the internet with you! Kathy P
Thanks Sue! It's exciting as I'm starting to venture out into real online networking with the tools you've coached me on. Deb Hey Sue, I wrote to you a few days, responding to your email, but it bounced back from AOL so I'm sending this to another Thanks so much for the kind words, encouragement and being such a great mentor. I've made it this far because My goal for 2006 is to really dig into some internet marketing areas I haven't yet, ones that I think your really the Thanks for sharing my article. I'm going to submit to a few others places for publication as well. It's quite long, I'm starting to draft a few other articles and over vacation, I'm building my main site, leadersbydesign.com which Thanks for supporting Amber! She is so fortunate to have your expertise right in her neighborhood! I hope the Our team is really growing and there are a handful of really awesome stars on board. My goal is Senior Director by Any new projects you're working on or coaching calls? Thanks for everything, Sue! I so appreciate you! Deb Warren **************************************************************** Hi Sue
************************************************************************* "I'm Shooting For The Moon. If I Don't Make It, I'll Still Land Among The Stars" I can't thank you enough for your encouragement and guidance. I plan to do
the same for others!! Thank You,
Barbara P.
Hello Sue,
My name is Karen B and I was on the call you did for Jackie Geisinger & Jafra earlier this
month. We spoke during the call and I just have to tell you that I meant to email before now, but kept forgetting to do so. I don't always remember things as I'd like ..... But eventually it happens ...... Generally when someone else reminds me though! Anyway, I was speaking with Jackie and told her that I was doing something you spoke to us
about and was getting much success and she told me to email you & let you know. Of course I meant to do that already, but am doing it NOW before I forget again ..... I placed an Ad in a newspaper and instead of just calling those who left messages, I even
returned the calls to those who did not .... The Hang-up-ers. Wow, what a great response I've gotten. I knew when you said it that I never would have considered doing that in the past. As a matter of fact, I would just dismiss those who didn't leave messages. However, doing as you said has given me great results in that persons who second guessed themselves were pleasantly surprised to find that what they thought was much different than what actually was ...... So, I just wanted to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for your words of wisdom &
sharing it with us in Jafra. Also, Jackie mentioned to me that she gave you some of our wonderful skin care products
so you'd have a complete system to use. She also suggested that I let you know that I would be happy & honored to become your Jafra connection should you decide to continue with its use in helping to keep you looking younger & feeling wonderful! If the above is acceptable to you, just let me know & I'll be sure to stay in touch with
you about every 2 months. If you'd prefer a catalog in the mail or to receive emails, either can be done by me. Just let me know which. Thanks again for speaking to us earlier in the month and I am an avid reader of your
indepth article on the success of our business, "Never Give Up!" Looking forward to your reply,
Karen B.
'Become A Master Networker On The Internet'. Click Here To Listen To The Audio Training Online (37 min) Make Sure Your Speakers Are Turned Up!
Click On Audio Link To Hear Daren Falter - DC Falter Marketing - Author of 'How To Select
**************************************************************** Sure Your Speakers Are Turned Up!
"Having known Sue Seward for almost five years, I can say, without any Hi Sue, I am making Ray aware of your inquiry. Ray, please note my prior email to Sue, who is C **************************************************************** Hey Sue - thanks for the email. I am presently in a business but it is
*********************************************** Hi Sue - thanks for taking so much time with me today. I really appreciate You helped me focus more clearly on what I need to do to achieve my goals I will probably have some questions if that is OK with you. I would like to Perhaps the newsletter will answer these questions. Once again - thank you so much! Rich in Canada ************************************************************************ I just wanted to thank Sue and Stephanie for such an awesome training Internet Marketing Training With Sue Seward Listen Here! Call #1
Hi Deb, Thanks so much I hope you know how much I appreciate you recording these,
cause I sure do! I would love to have the code to post on a page for the buttons, that would be great! Sue, You did a fantastic job on the call!
Thank you both for all of your support and contribution!
Love ya!
Stephanie S.
from Georgia Ana L.
Hi Sue,
I have been having trouble with my computer as well so I thank
you for sending me your new email address and for the
kind words.
I enjoy coaching and training others! It is an honor for me to
be able to help others through the call. I am so glad that you
were there! And I so appreciate the support!
And, yes, yes, yes, please do send me the new Internet Article
you have written. I could spend my whole day on the phone and online
and be a happy camper so I have found my niche. There is so much I
want to do and am looking to this summer when my husband is home to
be able to branch out and try new venues, developing a newsletter, etc
while he becomes Mr. Mom!
Thanks for your time, Sue. I want to learn all that you have share.
I admire your success and feel blessed to have you as a mentor
and upline!
Have a great evening, Sue!
Kelly W.
********************************************************** Hi Sue,
I have been having trouble with my computer as well so I thank
you for sending me your new email address and for the
kind words.
I enjoy coaching and training others! It is an honor for me to
be able to help others through the call. I am so glad that you
were there! And I so appreciate the support!
And, yes, yes, yes, please do send me the new Internet Article
you have written. I could spend my whole day on the phone and online
and be a happy camper so I have found my niche. There is so much I
want to do and am looking to this summer when my husband is home to
be able to branch out and try new venues, developing a newsletter, etc
while he becomes Mr. Mom!
Thanks for your time, Sue. I want to learn all that you have share.
I admire your success and feel blessed to have you as a mentor
and upline!
Have a great evening, Sue!
Kelly W.
You know the story....I tryed the product because of you!!!!! I continue
****************************************************************** Sue & Becky Wonderful job this morning!
There probably would have been even more people on the call if they had known
you two were doing it and what was going to be covered - but obviously the decision to have you do it wasn't made until very late. I hope you, two, will do it again. Also, some of the other training possibilities you
mentioned sounded great. Thanks so much for pulling all this info together.
Janatha P.
Becky and Sue did a superb training call this morning, Prospecting & Internet Marketing 101.
We would love to see this call done on some sort of scheduled basis, if possible,
because every new distributor, experienced in network marketing or not, could learn from it. We did! Thanks.
Jason & Janatha P.
Subject: Great Call This Morning! Sue...
I'm Dean, my wife Andrea and I are fellow Team MVP members. We were on the Team training call this morning - great job! It is always good to hear other successful team members perspectives and tips! P.S. Feel free to add both my wife Andrea and I as Ryze friends. After all we've been in the same circle for a few months and I'm sure we will get to know each other better as time progresses. P.S.S. I took a quick peek at your website... looks great! I look forward to surfing it some more. Regards, Dean Mercado
Thank you so much for the congratulations!
I remember years ago, first seeing you online and continueing to read everything
that you wrote, learning from the example you've set and being inspired by you daily over the years! You're a great leader, coach and example for our industry and am so proud and
honored to be a part of a great team with you and call you my friend! I hope you, your family and partners enjoyed a wonderful holiday filled with many
blessing to be thankful for and many more to come! Love ya!
Stephanie S.
My name is Simon Ngalo from South Africa. I' m running a small business at home
and I'm plaesed to tell you that your tips are working for my business. I found them while Iwas looking the MLM web site. I hope to get more help from your site. I'll be happy to get the copy of the book' How to select a home business'.
Thank you. Velma