Just because people are very busy during the holiday season with shopping, family gatherings, traveling, cooking, baking, cleaning and putting up decorations does not mean they may not have business on their mind. They are just a bit distracted. Try not to make the mistake of thinking that this would be a good time for you to shut down your prospecting efforts especially those who are brand new or just starting a business. Do the opposite of most people and stay consistent with your holiday seed planting all during this season! Make sure you're still planting lot's of seeds! Even though it seems like no one is listening or ready to get started with you in your business. Get the emails out, let those autoresponders do their job and make sure to send out personal emails, Christmas greetings and letters (with your website link and email of course), flyers and business cards. Because when January rolls around there will be people interested in earning extra income. They may also be looking for a home business so they can benefit from the great tax deductions. I know other people who joined their company on Christmas Eve so networkers and professionals like us are in the looking zone even during the holidays! YOU can be there to HELP them! Make sure to consistently keep YOUR name and information in front of lot's of people every day so that they remember WHO to call when they are back in the looking zone! Back in 1996 when I started my business online and had signed up with my MLM company in November during the holidays! It seemed like NO one was listening, or reading the emails or interested in anything I was doing and it was getting to be quite frustrating to say the least. I remember what that's like when first starting a business. Everyone was SO busy, preoccupied with the holiday season. I'd hear "get back to me after the holidays!" "Call me after the first of the year." This can be quite frustrating to a new person just starting out.Cannot tell you HOW many times I heard those two statements! In fact, I still do even after all these years! Only now it doesn't bother me at all. I just keep consistently rolling along planting, watering and cultivating. Then to top it all off, in 1996 when getting my business started online, I came down with a virus in December right before Christmas with a double ear infection. I just kept emailing and getting in touch with people online as much as possible about my business anyway because I was so determined to get the new business off the ground. I'd drag myself out of bed to go downstairs to my office and send my emails every single day consistently because I was so determined to get my business going.I knew after the holidays would be to late because all those OTHER guys who kept planting seeds consistently would get the prospects if I didn't keep plugging away in front of them during this time. _________________ Those people that do not stop sowing their seeds during the holidays will reap the benefits in the upcoming months AND even YEARS! It paid off because in January I signed up my FIRST distributor with that company back in 1997, in February my second and that started it all because THAT March I started getting regular weekly checks that grew and grew into a solid career income over the years.It's taken a lot of seed planting and all that seed planting has brought in a great harvest year after year! The excellent thing about Network Marketing is the eventual long term leverage that gets built. All those seeds planted many years ago are STILL bringing in a bountiful harvest today and will continue to for years from now! Others that slow down during the holidays will just have to catch up with those who keep on planting! January, February, March have always been very active recruiting and selling seasons in Network Marketing and NOW is the time to take ACTION by continuing to fill your funnel during the holiday season so you can experience a New Years harvest year after year after year! Stay consistent planting seeds throughout the holiday season and you may just find yourself playing on the beach this spring! Sue Seward
Listen in on this awesome training with my good friend and business partner Rod Nichols Making Connections During The Holidays Tips You Can Use To Build Any Business Click Audio Below To Hear & Be Sure Your Speakers Are Turned Up! |