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*Gluten Free Lady*
Holistic Influencer

Healthy Habits For Life


"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." ~ Melody Beattie

Are You Ready To Step Out Of The Boat?

Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water."  Matthew 14:28

What made Peter decide to get out of the boat?  Why in the world did he suddenly think he could walk on water?  Well, you might say it's because he had seen Jesus open blind eyes, cleanse the lepers, and do all those miraculous things he did."  Yes, true.  But the other disciples, who were right there in the boat with him that night, also experienced the same storm, and they didn't move.  Why?  First, Peter believed Jesus was who He claimed to be.  He fixed his eyes on Jesus, not on himself.  His faith was ignited deep inside.  At that moment, he became on fire, and he believed he could do what God placed in his heart.  Jesus said, "Peter, you want to get out of the boat?" and Peter said, "Yes, I do."  Peter stepped out of the boat and he walked on the water.  Many people say, "Yeah, but he started to sink."  Yes, that's true, but he walked on water more than anyone else ever did!  He had the guts to act and get out of the boat!  Peter believed!

Perhaps we need to be as bold as Peter instead of sitting in the boat waiting for something to happen.  Jesus is calling us to step out!  Be proactive.  Combine our faith with action.  Start saying things like, "It's my time to come up to a new level.  I've seen it happen for others, but it's my time to see God's blessings and favor.  It's my time to step out and accomplish my dreams!  It's my time to step out and break these bad habits.  This is my season of success.  This is my season of increase and promotion, my season of blessing. It's time to take that leap (ACTION) and step out of the boat!

When we have that kind of attitude, we're saying in effect what Peter said.  "God, can I come with you? I believe it's my time now."  Notice what Jesus said. He said, "Peter, I like your attitude of faith.  I like the fact that you believe you can do great things.  Your faith can move mountains!  Come on out and walk with me!"

What's been holding you back?  Why are you still sitting in the boat?  What are you waiting for?  The economy to get better? Your job to get better?  Your finances to get better?  People to get better?  Your family to get better?  You to get better?


Personally, I've taken a huge leap of faith, taken action and stepped out of the boat!  It hasn't been easy!  At times it's been very difficult.   I've felt like Jeremiah!  No one's listening, no one's acting, everyone's at a standstill, nothing's happening.  Still I got out of the boat and continue to Believe!  My faith is like a rock!  I'm seeking Him first, believing in blessings, favor and increase!  Because of this God is moving mountains in my life! 


With God ALL things are possible!

"Storms come and go for all of us. There's never really any greener grass - try not to be surprised by them, just be prepared when they do!"

Sue & Clif Seward

Graduates of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University in 2017

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