Brought to you by Direct Selling Women's Alliance Step back in time and think about when you started your direct selling business. You were excited about the prospect of working for yourself and motivated to really "make a go" of your business. In the early days, you probably learned a painful lesson or two.
Fast forward to today. You're moving forward and you may realize you have more questions than answers; questions about time management, balancing the demands of a growing organization and keeping sight of your real goals.
Why not take a quicker route to success?
It's exciting to share with you a fantastic program from the DSWA called: Mentored by the Masters: Proven tips and strategies for greater passion, purpose and profits. Guess who is this month's featured
I invite you to participate in this valuable program that brings years of direct selling experience right to your door!
"I personally just finished listening to the Dec/Jan mentor CD with Beth Jacobs one of the top consultants with her Direct Selling company, talking about setting up your plan and achieving goals and WOW!
You will learn strategies taught by top leaders that have walked your walk and are now extremely successful entrepreneurs.
Each month, you will receive time-tested million dollar strategies that took DSWA Masters from their early days in direct sales to the top of their company's pay plan. Each monthly CD series is full of fresh ideas, inspirational stories and step-by-step plans for mastering direct sales from the ground up. These mentors have achieved a monumental level of success and come to you with a desire and willingness to share their proven insights.
With your initial monthly subscription of $19.95, you will receive:
* A CD Carrying case to hold a year's worth of mentoring.
* A bonus CD from DSWA founding partners Nicki Keohohou and Grace Keohohou, "Empowering Words - Enlightened Vocabulary for Transformational Results."
* The current month's CD - ! "Building Relationships Online with Sue Seward"
* Exclusive access to the Mentored by the Masters Resource area featuring articles, tips and action steps related to the monthly topic.
Your monthly investment for the series will be $19.95 and includes shipping and handling. (Note: Your credit card will automatically be charged each month for your subscription and your CD will be shipped to the address we have on file for you. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied, you can cancel your subscription at any time.)
Join me this month by subscribing to the Mentored by the Masters program for only $19.95!
Why take the difficult path of trial and error when you have another alternative? Subscribe today, and you can learn from those who have mastered the fundamentals of sponsoring, selling, team building and more.