August 13, 2013 Ever feel like your ego just might need to lose a little or in some cases like mine was, a lot of weight? And trust me, this is something I'm constantly working on. It's not something that's happened over night. Personal development takes years and years of trial and error! One of life's lessons I learned a long time ago, the hard way in the Network Marketing profession while working with lot's of people and different personalities, is to keep my own ego in check and not compare myself or my situation to someone else. Most importantly one of the hardest lessons was in learning not to put my expectation's on others. Talk about being humbled... my ego needed to lose a lot of weight! Sometimes in our haste and lust for success very quickly, we may not take the time to build solid relationships with others. We really may not know what God is teaching someone personally or the path He may be leading them on in their life. Instead we rush in with what we feel is important for everyone else to do, that is IF they want to become as successful as we are or worse what we feel they should be doing to achieve success too. Success in MLM has different meanings to different people. Having a million dollar mansion, driving a Ferrari, and accumulating more 'stuff' may not be as important to one person as it is to another. Just because one person feels it's necessary to travel constantly leaving their family (or perhaps they don't have a family or a full time job so it's much easier for them to travel), doesn't mean it's good for another person who may have a full time job, small children, a spouse and obligations to their family first. I've been in this profession for over 18 plus years and have seen a lot of relationships end in divorces. Fortunately this hasn't happened to us, although I did in the past put my family (when our boys were younger) on the back burner for years because of my striving for success in MLM and doing exactly what I thought others expected of me, pleasing everyone else instead of listening to what God expects and pleasing Him. Then one day I woke up and all that success (money) was gone within the blink of an eye.
All of a sudden, sometimes even before we know it's happening, unintentional strife can snuff out worthy relationships in our life before they get a chance to blossom and grow. This can happen in marriages, in businesses and sadly even in our churches. Before judging others or attempting to put expectations on them of what the 'world' thinks they should be doing to be a success, take the time to step into their shoes and walk a mile or two with them....you just might learn some valuable lessons too! Remember, you are uniquely YOU! 'Believe That YOU Can!' |