Networking & Connecting With A Blog
Have you considered how a personal 'Blog' might fit into your online and offline networking success? Your blog is your piece of real estate online. Location, location, location baby!
Have you started yours yet?
There are followers out there who want to hear about you, your successes and the bumps and bruises you've experience along the way of building your career (in other words share who you are).
Who are YOU, what do you do that can help me?
Did you know that a blog can be the perfect location or hub for all of your online prospecting and lead generation? By the way we've always done this in the past with personal websites and still do. I remember some of the first lead capture pages we created way back in the mid 90's. Now it's all about blogging and online networking has become much more personable.
You might be thinking....
"Sue how can I brand myself with a blog and make networking with a blog profitable at the same time?"
Good question! Blogging is fast becoming one of THE top tools in a Network Marketers 'networking' arsenal, and here's why... the people led to your blog want to know all about you and when you do this the right way they WILL get to know, like and eventually trust you. Those who are like minded will most likely bond with you because they are usually looking for better ideas and someone to lead them in the right direction.
They may not necessarily be looking for a business opportunity at the time. The important thing is for them to connect with you because you never know when they may be in the looking zone. They are most likely going to seek out the person they've made a connection with and built a relationship with and blogging helps you do this.
People seek out experts that can share tips, tactics and light bulb ideas! Hey think I'm gonna try that too! Ya know back in the mid 90's when first starting out online I was sure no expert! I had no writing or business experience. I've evolved because of Network Marketing, making connections and networking with lot's of people.
When people find somebody who is honest, up front and branding themselves authentically they will be instantly attracted and want to do the same thing themselves. They will be bonded to you and just may end up being a follower for life and when the timings right may even partner with you.
Become A Connector -
As you gain followers that you are connecting with who will subscribe to the value you're giving back, you will begin generating better targeted, qualified followers that may eventually join you in your Network Marketing enterprise when the timings right for them.
If you're new to the internet, you may be a bit hesitant to start your own blog and that's perfectly natural because the first thing people say to me is "Sue what on earth do I write about on a blog?"
Here are a few ideas that may help you get started. The more you procrastinate the more you will more likely be left behind. You'll make mistakes along the way, so what? Don't we all? That's how we learn and continue to grow. People respect us when we're human. After all it's hard to duplicate perfect right?
Your blog is much easier to start than you think and you can add as you go and it will evolve as you evolve in your career. Not to worry, you don't have to be a techie guru or graphic artist to create your blog either. Just be real. Your blog will have templates or themes available to download or if you've got the budget hire a designer to create one for you. If not just upload a theme that suits your style and personality. You can always hire a designer to create a branded logo for your blog later on. Your blog will need to have your personal photo on it to brand who you are! Oh really? You mean no photos of my dog, cat, products or one of those silly avatars? Your followers want to know you are a real person. So any place you are networking online it's important to have your real photo on your profile. You are real aren't you? They'll know when you're not and most likely won't follow you anywhere. So get real! Your blog is one of the best ways to develop a presence and create trust with your followers so another reason to be real and authentic. Your blog creates visibility for you which will help build your personal brand. People make a choice to read your blog. Blogs are different than emails which are not read as much now days and that is IF they even get delivered properly. Emails are boring compared to a personal blog and you don't want to be boring do you? Your blog creates visibility for you which will help build your personal brand. People make a choice to read your blog. Very different than emails which are not read as much now days and that is IF they even get delivered properly. Emails are boring compared to your blog and you don't want to be boring do you? Your blog with valuable content will increase your followers and when you allow your followers to post comments this connects you with them even more. Your blog can increase the traffic to your company's replicated website. Your blog can highlight your products and affiliate links for additional income streams - (I put these in the Resource section of my blog) again your followers can choose to click or not to click, their choice. Did you know blogs are loved more by Google and other search engines? It's nice to be loved isn't it? If you haven't created your blog yet, there's no time like the present so what are you waiting for?
Let people who YOU are! When people get to know, like and trust you they will more likely connect with you and eventually may do business with you. Once you have created your blog you'll be looking for content to share with your followers. Here are a couple of ideas to spark more interest - Share your success story. If you're not making a lot of profits yet share enthusiasm for your own personal business, share stories of people in your success line and how much you've grown as a person because of the Network Marketing profession. Share what you do outside of Network Marketing. Your interest, hobbies, your job or other profession and what attracted you to Network Marketing in the first place. Remember those inquiring minds want to know you!
Offer your advice in whatever area of expertise you have and never be afraid to let people know you've made mistakes in the past and are here to help them avoid the same mistakes you've made. People love the truth. No matter how it's packaged the truth always sets us free doesn't it?
Share tips, strategies, ideas on developing a business plan, goal setting, self development, mind set and other ideas to set up a real business right from the get go.
Sometimes the stories of other successful entrepreneurs like say, yours truly for instance, can be inspirational reminders to us all that we can reach our goals through consistent efforts, perseverance and a never giving up attitude.
Hope this inspires you to create some fantastic connections with your personal blog because getting involved in the online blogging world can be a monumental way to bring in more followers to your website and ultimately increase your home business revenues. The bottom line is to help you become more successful and profitable in your daily networking.
Sue Seward
More Blog Training =======> http://quickbizsites.com/ecommercehomebiz/blog_coaching_101/ |