Copyright © 2007 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
Have you ever worked around someone who seems to always be a downer? Someone who would complain if they were hung with a new rope as my granma always said? Do you realize how important it is in finding positive and upbeat people for your business partners? It's something that will affect your entire team!
I remember years ago when I was so desperate to find anyone to sign up as a partner that I would sign up even the negative, whinny ones. I didn't care as long as they signed up!
Over the years I've learned some good lessons the hard way!
It only takes ONE bad apple to ruin the whole barrel!
It's very true and it is possible to spot them!
Recently I had someone who's on my potential partner list email back complaining that the call we were doing with one of our company owners was not worth their time and that all these calls are people touting their own success and was a bunch of garbage and continued on to say that they were NOT going to be on these calls.
Right away I realized that this particular person had never even once emailed or called for more information. I explained why this particular call was being done to help our team members and the success that we have had with it AND the success I have had over the last ten years.
I also explained that the reason I've been so successful is because of being coachable. Well to cut to the chase I let this person know that I have removed them from my potential partner list and also let them know that it did not hurt my feelings in the least bit to do so because I get to choose who I work with. In fact, it was a delight to let this person go which saves the entire team a lot of grief in the long run!
When you are out and about or speaking with potential business partners be on the look out for people's negative attitude. Especially if they complain a lot about the methods you or your upline partners are using to build the business (after all we are very successful and our business is profitable) so we must be doing something right.
Learn to spot signs of a person who is not coachable. That means they want to reinvent the wheel. They think they know more than you or your upline team. Maybe they do. If so terrific, they will be an asset to the team. But if they don't and are just thinking they do then you could have a potential bad apple on your team.
When you ask someone to look at your website, or listen in on a business overview conference call or listen to a sizzle call or you send a packet and they never get around to reviewing the information then you could have someone who is not coachable. I'm not talking about people who are extremely busy and take a bit longer to review your information. I'm talking about people who just never seem to get around to it.
If all they do is whine and complain about little trivial things, your products, your comp plan, having to be on training calls, conference calls, go to events, etc. then you know you have someone that could be a potential
bad apple for the team.
I'm not saying they are BAD people! This business just may not be for them and you want to be able to spot this very quickly. Remember you are looking for TEAM players.
Sometimes we don't spot the behavior right away that someone may not be coachable and they get signed up and immediately want to start doing it their way. Even though they have told you they have not had any success, made any money with any company or business they still insist that they know better than you and your upline team partners.
Sometimes they want to turn Network Marketing into a job or be a self-employed person. They want to open
a store front or an office space. Even though you advise them against it and say it's been done and not successful they still insist. Now if I saw something like this I'd be thinking, "you mean I have to buy expensive office or retail space and stay there all day long especially on a beautiful weekend"?
I would rather build a team of people who move product and build their teams and then spend time at our lake house or time with loved ones, kids sports activities, etc! I'm looking for time FREEDOM & LEVERAGE not another ball and chain!
There is a way to turn some people around to understanding how important it is to be coachable but if they still insist on doing it their way just leave them alone and they will come home wagging their tails behind them! If not it's ok, you tried and they'll just have to learn the hard way too.
It takes practice to spot the bad applies! Like going to the grocery store looking for apples and just grabbing any apple from the top of the pile instead of taking a little more time and finding the best ones!
Here's something by one of my favorite business mentors Donald Trump. In fact it was the inspiration for this article!
In nearly every workplace, there's "one bad apple" - someone whose negative attitude is so apparent that it's a deterrent to everyone else in the office. It turns out that the old adage is true. One bad apple can truly spoil the whole barrel. A person with a negative attitude ... You ROCK! Sue Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, full time career earner in Network Marketing, who has been making connections from home online since 1996. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. |