Becoming A Talent Scout Vs A Recruiter - How To Seek Out And Have Motivated People With A Winning Attitude Find You! In over a decade in this profession, I've learned a lot about other people and about myself. The single most important thing learned is how important self development is to your success. Here is the one thing that has to happen for you to become successful in anything you attempt to do: you must first build yourself and your own talents. When you do, you develop something that is all important to success in networking: posture. What is posture? It's when you have so much confidence in yourself and what you're doing that you look for the most talented people you can find to join you in your business. It's when you're no longer afraid to talk with the most successful people you run into. You become a talent scout interested in others, instead of a recruiter interested only in you! The path of the recruiter - when I started out in this business, I was a recruiter. Everyone I saw or ran into was a prospect or a mark! I was a living three-foot rule: no matter who they were or what sort of attitude or interest they had, I was determined to recruit every single person that I saw or spoke with. How was it? It was a disaster! But it was also a very good learning experience, at any rate. What it takes to really become successful is not about being the best recruiter. Even those networkers who are phenomenal recruiting machines, while they may be successful for a time, eventually could fizzle out if they do not take the time to get to know the people they sponsor and show them HOW to build a business. What happens is they usually recruit just anyone by talking and persuading people into joining with them, even when those people don't really want to. Most of the people recruiters enroll say "yes" when they really mean "no". They may say "yes" just to get the recruiter off their backs! What happens? The majority of people the recruiters recruit end up quitting because they didn't have what it takes to succeed in this business in the first place. The recruiter most likely is not aware of this because chances are,, he didn't stick around long enough to train them or show them actually HOW to do the business. He's too busy recruiting his next dozen victims. Recruiters usually don't take the time to actually get to know people, to ask them what they are interested in, what their personal goals are or what sort of talents they have. They're after the sign-up; the thrill of the sign-up is a rush for them. Most recruiters are not very good trainers or leaders. They just don't have time to train: they're too busy recruiting. So What's The Path of the Talent Scout? If you really want to become very successful in this profession, forget about being a recruiter: learn instead how to be a talent scout! This takes time and effort and it's crucial to first develop yourself as a leader. Hang out with talented leaders, listen to them, learn from them, read books on leadership, listen to audio tapes on leadership, sit in on their conference calls. Becoming wealthy in this profession very quickly is a myth. It happens, but not that often and when it does there's usually various circumstances that we do not hear upfront. In other words, we do not usually hear the whole story. You've simply got to pay your dues!
So - What is considered talent? Who is considered "talented"? The person with a PHD? The guy or gal who's already very successful? Well, sometimes, but for the most part, what you look for are people who are highly motivated, people with a winning attitude like yourself! Look for ordinary people who can do ordinary things extraordinarily well. There's no need to be fearful of speaking with extremely successful people about what you're doing. Remember, you're a talent scout - not a recruiter! When you have a talent scout's attitude, successful people will recognize and will gladly speak with you because they realize that you are not out to recruit them and take a genuine interest in them! Will everyone join you? Maybe, maybe not. But does it matter? No, because if they don't, there will be others who most likely will. You know this is true, because there's talent out there and you're now a talent scout! When you get to this place, when you start to seek out the right people to partner with you in your business enterprise, you'll be absolutely amazed at the people who start to be attracted to you and contact you. Become a talent scout instead of a recruiter and watch what happens with your success ratio!
Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, full time career earner in Network Marketing and Direct Selling coach, who has been making connections from home online since 1996. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. Find out how to subscribe to her Networking -101 eCourse at http://www.MLM-Online-Marketing-Coach.com