Classified AD Samples
Note: When posting a phone number I've always used my 800 line for more privacy and post it as a 24 Hr Message. People can tend to call at all hours of the night. Contact me for details on the service I use if interested.
UP FOR A CHALLENGE? Own your own Plan B business and take advantage of an exploding market. Call (your 800# here) 24 Hour Message
UP FOR A CHALLENGE? Own your own Plan B business and take advantage of an exploding market! Details visit- http://www.yourwebsitehere/
CALL YOUR SHOTS Do things the way you think they should be done. Open the door to opportunity and financial success. I'll help. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
SET YOUR HOURS Quit punching the clock and maximize your efforts in your own business. You'll run the show and enjoy the freedom of success. [Insert your phone number or website here]
BUILD YOUR FUTURE Earn extra money for investments. Start now and see how rewarding your future can be. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
MAKE FULL-TIME $$$ By working part-time hours. Supplement your income while making the most of your efforts. Call [Insert your phone number or website here] to learn how.
ADDITIONAL INCOME Want to buy a new car, go on a trip or pay off a debt? Earn extra money in your spare time in the exploding nutrition market. [Insert your phone number or website here]
OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Always wanted to run your own show? Now you can. It's easy and I'll show you how. [Insert your phone number or website here]
LEVERAGE = FREEDOM Make the most of your time and open the door to financial freedom. I'll help. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
INNOVATION RULES Marketing opportunities in an exploding billion-dollar industry. Chart your own course, explore your future. [Insert your phone number or website here]
HEAR THAT? And you'd better answer. This is your chance to maximize your profit potential. Start now. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
NO LIMITS Take your own business to amazing new heights. Nothing holds you back. Learn about limitless income potential. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
UP FOR A CHALLENGE? Own your own business and take advantage of an exploding market. Call XXXXXX- XXX for information or visit yourwebsitehere
NEW GRADUATE? NEED A JOB? Why work for someone else when you can work for yourself. Set your hours, call your shots, build your future. [Insert your phone number or website here] .
EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITIES Looking for candidates with management experience and training in marketing. Call XXX-XXX-XXX for a glimpse of the future.
STOP JOB-HUNTING Start maximizing your potential. Take control of your financial future. I'll show you how. Call [Insert your phone number or website here]
NO MORE 9 to 5! Imagine this. Stop being a slave to the clock and make time for the things that really matter. Set your own hours and get on the road to financial success. [Insert your phone number or website here]
STOP PUNCHING THE CLOCK Set your own hours, call your own shots, run your own business and see what