![]() "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." - Jim Rohn Dream BIG & Don't Quit Before Making It Happen! Copyright © 2006 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
Mark Gorman's CD's came in and after listening to every single one of them TWICE his messages have rekindled a fire inside of me! Every now and then we just need a little spark to ignite us again don't we? Our flame starts to damper a bit because of frustrations and discouragements. You know what I'm talking about right?
One of the things he says is to Dream BIG. In fact, you've got to have a dream SO big that you cannot even achieve it and THEN..... BECOME the person who CAN.
Over the last nine years I've grown and become the leader that God wants me to be and always continuing to grow.
Here's how to keep the flame going....
by attending events, hanging out with successful people, listening to training calls and the business briefing calls, reading books, reading scripture, listening to CD's with people on fire with the spirit like Mark Gorman! Sponsoring more people and teaching them to do exactly the same so THEY will grow into the person to achieve THEIR dreams.
Over five years ago we had a dream to buy lake property in Austin Texas on Lake Travis. Today that dream has come true. We just bought a lake house in Point Venture Texas at Lake Travis. How did this happen? Did I just wake up one day and say I have a dream to go up to Austin and I'm gonna buy a lake house today? Not quite...
It happened because I literally became the person capable of achieving that dream! Over the years, I worked hard, stay focused, committed, put on the blinders, went through the refining fire, frustrations, dissapointments, and most of all never gave up!
We almost didn't buy this house either because the first time I saw it I noticed a huge dirt pile behind the house. This house is on the lake side but when you go in the back yard there's a dirt pile behind it. I told my husband I don't want to buy a house by the lake and sit in my back yard looking at dirt. So we never looked inside that house the weekend we were there in Austin looking at houses. When we got back home to Lake Jackson my husband kept saying we should have looked inside that house. It could be the way we get into that lake side community, it's a great price, and he went on and on. All I could think of was sitting in my back yard looking at DIRT.
So finally I gave in. We called the realtor and ask her to find out WHO owns the dirt? Turns out it's a development company and they plan on moving the dirt in 6 months.
So a few weekends later we went back up to Austin to see the house and we climbed that dirt pile to take a look see.
And there just over the dirt was the most BEAUTIFUL breathtaking view of the lake we ever saw.
We decided that day to make an offer on the house and we just closed on it in May. Our first investment property to buy because of network marketing and because of who I've become over the years to achieve the income level to be able to start investing in real estate.
I mentioned to our lender the next BIG dream is to buy another lake lot RIGHT NEAR the water and build our DREAM HOUSE! Well we just put in an offer for two lots right up on a hill with the most beautiful view of the hill country and the lake.
I can take the business with me where ever I go if I decide to! Mainly because I absolutely love what I do! I even listened to some Ellie Drake cd's on the way home! She's another very inspiring teacher who advises us to be very coachable and to be a good student!
So it's time to stretch some more to BECOME the person that will bring BIGGER dreams to life TOO!
Never quit! Never give up on your dreams! Have one SO big that you cannot accomplish it and then become the person who can!
Most people get into a Network Marketing business and then when things don't happen like they want it too or quick enough or the first little thing goes wrong or something else comes along that looks better it's just easier to quit!
It's usually because they don't have a dream big enough and they refuse to become the person that can accomplish their dream! No time to go to trainings or events and no money to get there, gotta have it right now, upline won't help me, the company closed down, the product was late getting here, it's to expensive, and on and on with excuses!
Dream Big and become the BEST you can be and decide to make it happen no matter what! Become the BEST you can be and then don't quit before you make your dreams happen! "Keep on doing good and in proper season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up"! Galatians 6:9
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