Here's a few suggestions and recommendations of what I've done over the years to develop a full time career income and so have many other successful entrepreneurs in the Direct Selling - Network Marketing profession who are earning 5, 6 and 7 figure incomes. It starts with treating your network marketing enterprise like a REAL business and that means getting set up like as a business entity right from the beginning.
If your plan is to attract the right kinds of people i.e.: entrepreneurs, business professionals and those seeking to become entrepreneurs and business owners, into your business, it best that you start presenting yourself as a business professional right from the start. Every wise business owner starts with a plan for success, sets their goals and puts their goals in writing. They usually share them with a trusted confidant, coach or family member to help them stay accountable and on track. Check with your sponsor and/or upline to see if they have a business plan outline.
Every serious business person starts with writing a 'business plan' - goals and plans are extremely important for your success because they give you a road map to follow and keep you on a clear path. Of course when goals are met, others goals are set, some may not be met do to some unforeseen circumstance. Any course can always be re-adjusted. Once your plan is in place it's time to start taking ACTION by following your plan to achieve your goals! There are some significant tax advantages available to home business owners so make sure to check this out with your accountant. Consider them a part of your business team. Ask you sponsor or upline for a referral or seek out a referral in your local area from other business professionals.
-Get a voice mail box to use for advertising, business cards and flyers. This way you do not have people calling your phone line at all hours of the day and night and they cannot trace you to your home line for safety reasons. -Set up a separate office area in your home - this can actually be required for tax purposes - always check with your accountant. -Get business cards - all professionals use them and preferably order them from your company or a printing service and not printed on your computer - business cards are one of the most inexpensive tools available to a business entrepreneur. -Order professional sales aids from your company - ask your upline leaders what they use. Copying materials is not professional looking. Remember success leaves clues. -Use a marketing system that will duplicate for your entire team. Systems duplicate people usually do not. -Attend company events such as company conventions and regional's - remember these expenses are most likely tax deductible - (check with your accountant). Self Development is a key to your success! Never stop learning and growing yourself! Keep reading books, listening to CD's, attending trainings and events with your company as well as generic trainings. Experience and personal growth is something that no one can take away from you. You can take it anywhere and profit from your growth! You do not need to know everything before deciding to build your MLM business. Use the tools to deliver the message. Such as online webinars, tele-conference calls, website, 3/ways with your sponsor and upline, CD's, marketing materials, etc. It's up to each individual to decide after reviewing the information to believe and take the steps for themselves based on their own personal reasons (their purpose)! People will react more to the excitement, enthusiasm and love for what you do.
Sponsor two, three or five people depending on your companies compensation plan and plug them into a SYSTEM that they can duplicate, help them to sponsor some people and then sponsor some more and keep on doing the same thing and teaching others to do the same.
This way you are plugging people in as you sponsor and people will duplicate and that's when you'll start to see the leverage develop.
Set your plan on doing all of the above be like a sponge and you will succeed in your network marketing home based business enterprise. If someone is not successful perhaps it's because they are not teachable, have not set up their plan, just do not want it badly enough, refuse to plug in properly and/or many times they just give up and quit way too soon because they thought they were going to get rich quick! Most of us successful entrepreneurs have failed our way to success! With each failure we learn and grow and become better.
Have you planned to improve the quality of your life? Think about WHY this is important to you? That's all a part of writing your Success Plan & Goals which keep your burning WHY out in front of you at all times helping you stay on target with your keys to success in MLM!
In developing a Network Marketing career, you will learn more about yourself, other people, and develop skills and talents you may never have thought were possible! Anything is possible when you develop into a leader and have the opportunity to help hundreds and even thousands of other people create a better life for them and their families. To Your Health & Success!
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Autoresponder System - http://www.aweber.com/215379 Business Entities - http://www.legalzoom.com http://quickbizsites.com/ecommercehomebiz/recommended_reading
Vista Print - Business cards, postcards, labels - http://www.vistaprint.com
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