Sue Seward At Home
Online Marketing Coach
Lake Travis In Austin Texas
July 30, 2010
What's your 'keep in touch' system looking like this summer?
You know I just Love technology and the leverage it provides us in building our home businesses don't you?
It's really important to keep in touch by planting those seeds for harvest time in the fall!
Summer has always been, for the last thirteen years I've been building my business, a bit slower for Network Marketing! By slower I mean the timing may not be right for people because they may be distracted by other things during the summer months.
People go on vacation, traveling, kids out of school. This does NOT mean we pack up our tool bag and stop seed planting or prospecting just because we think some people are not listening or ready to join our business in the summer.
On the contrary!
August when vacations are about to end and kids start getting back to school our business always picks up more momentum! Especially when we have been planting seeds all summer long!
When I started my business in 1996 online it was in November the end of the year during the holidays. I thought dang no one is listening or interested and everyone is busy with the holidays. I just kept on planting seeds and in January signed up my first two business builders and it has continued to build since then.
It took me five plus years before I was really earning a consistent full time residual income. I thought I was a failure many times thinking this isn't working.
Good thing I never gave up because after about the sixth year bingo! The magic happened from all the seed planting, following up, staying in touch, building relationships with people I met online, being consistent, and never giving up!
When I started online I had no income of my own, no degrees, no corporate background, no business experience, not much mlm experience, no contacts or credibility online and very little confidence. So it was important to develop myself personally. I had to create the mindset, the belief system and develop into a leader in order to develop a career income in the Network Marketing profession. Now I can take the skills I've learned while developing this profession and do anything.
What would I have been doing otherwise for five or six years? I was a stay at home mom with no income of my own. The only alternative for me to make money would be to work somewhere else as an employee .
The things is, I'm an entrepreneur and a professional Network Marketer so working as an employee doesn't resonate with me. The time and investment it has taken to develop a career in Network Marketing has been worth it. Robert Kiyosaki author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' mentions over and over that any business takes three to five years to develop and Network Marketing is no different.
Besides self-development....
It's important to have some sort of seed planting and drip technology system that helps us 'keep in touch' by putting our information in front of people even though the timing may not be right for them just yet! Some do this locally too by putting out catalogs, business cards, flyers, mailing cards, post cards, lead boxes, attending networking groups, signs on our vehicles and any other marketing methods that brand us and get exposure.
We can do the same thing with our personal blogs especially when we learn to syndicate and have others sending out our content for us on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. These are all great high tech 21st Century communication tools in our tool bag. It pays to learn how to use them effectively for profits.
Keep planting all throughout the summer for your bountiful fall harvest when you start turning high tech into HIGH TOUCH connections and relationships that turn into business partners and volume turning into income!
I've used a very effective 'keep in touch' contact management system in my home business for over six years and I earn another stream of income from this program as well because I've referred the service to other networkers and professionals I know who have a client list.
Many of them have thanked me for referring them to this high tech service years ago!
I just received a birthday card from one of those professionals who said -
"Just a quick Birthday wish to put a smile on your face and remind you that I think of everyone at Send Out Cards a special blessing in my life, especially YOU, who introduced me to SOC, which has become a huge part of my life." Mark Dana
Check it out for yourself and see if this 'keep in touch' system may be something that could benefit you and help you run your business more effectively and while you're there send a f.ree card on me!
PS - I'm planning to take the summers off from now on while the residual streams continue to flow in! How about you? Would you like to find out how to take the summers off while having multiple streams of income still flowing in month after month?
In this economy it's even more important to have several streams of income flowing in just in case one stream drys up! We are seeing this first hand with my husbands traditional employment job. Don't get caught with a dried up stream!
Contact me now before the rush hits in a few weeks when school starts back up and let's put a plan of action in place for this to happen for you too!
Never Give Up!