Animated image transition effects
Go to the design area to setup animated transition effects for your image galleries, rotators, rotating banners and content slider components.
Australian ecommerce updates
This feature displays the shopping cart prices/total including tax. To enable the feature, go to the "customize fields/international" settings page and check the "Use Australian VAT tax display" box.
Product ID on product catalog page
Go to the general settings page to enable the product ID display. When this option is enabled, the product ID will be displayed to the right of the product name on your product display page. There are 2 settings, one for the product category and another to display the product ID on the detail pages.
Social networking link
When the Facebook link is enabled, the Facebook like button is now display along with your social networking links. To configure social networking links, view your website, click the settings button and then click the social networking link on the left side of the page.