Social Is Baked In
We've got every social integration feature you need to get your site revved up. From blogs, referral boosters, live chat, to all of the latest sharing tools, everything you need is available to you with QuickBizSites.
Blogs / RSS
Everyone needs a blog on their site to help communicate what's happening with their business. A blog is one of the best ways to generate recurring traffic to your site. Keep your blog up to date, and customers will know what you're up to, what new specials you may have, or if you have any new products or services they may be interested in.
Social Sharing
Adding sharing links to your products and pages on your site (you've likely seen these everywhere on the web) allows visitors to share your site or products with their friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This generates more exposure for your site and more traffic.
And more
We include the ability to add twitter feeds to your site and you can include a Facebook wall as well. We are always looking to improve our system and we are always integrating the latest in social tools.
Social networking configuration
Easily include social networking links on your pages, blog posts and store products. These social links provide your site visitors with a convenient way to share your site on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
Send status updates via twitter
Click the twitter link to send status updates about your website directly to your twitter feed.