QuickBizSites - Complete Store System
Supported gateways
Gateways are used for processing internet credit card transactions through your merchant account provider. We support many of the most commonly used gateway providers in the market. Contact your merchant provider to find out which gateways they use. If you don't see your gateway listed, contact support to find out if your gateway can be added. Our systems are 100% PCI compliant, as required by your merchant provider.
EFT Secure
First Data Global
Innovative Merchant Solutions |
Merchant eSolutions (MeS)
Moneris eSelectPlus US & CA
Network Merchants
PayPal Payments Pro
PayPoint-MCPE Bank Enterprise
PayPal PayFlow Pro
PRI Merchants
Processing.net |
USA ePay
Verisign Australia
WorldPay |
Shipping tools
Automated shippers allow for your site to automatically obtain estimated shipping rates from major shipping providers and have those rates included in the order totals when a shopper checks out on your site. Some automated shipping providers also allow you to print shipping labels for your products directly via your website admin and allow shoppers to get tracking details directly on your website.
Australia Post









Affiliate tracking
Allow affiliate signups through your website. Affiliates post your banners on their websites and earn a commission on sales for customers they refer to you. Track affiliate sales via your website admin and view reporting on the commissions earned by your affilates.
Coupons & gift certificates
Create coupons to encourage additional sales on your website. Use coupons in your marketing campaigns. Include coupons when sending newsletters to your customers. Rotate promotions by placing coupon codes on your main site to let new visitors know they can use a coupon to get a discount on their purchases. You can setup coupons that offer a percentage discount, a specific dollar amount discount, free shipping, and buy "x" get "y" free. Coupons also allow you to restrict which products can be applied and you can limit the number of repeat uses by a customer.
Gift certificate products can also be setup, allowing your customers to purchase gift certificates through your website. Gift certificates are great as gifts and can increase your sales. Purchasers of gift certificates will receive a special code that can be entered during the checkout process of future orders.
Customer rewards
Increase customer loyalty with rewards. Rewards allow shoppers to earn points when making purchases on your website. These points can be used when the shopper returns to place future orders. You setup the exchange rate for the reward points and shoppers can convert their points into discounts for new orders. Rewards can apply to all products or only the ones you choose. You also have the option to set a waiting period before points can be used. There is also a reward point expiration option so shoppers must return to your site and place another order quickly to redeem their points. Advertise your rewards program in your marketing campaigns.
Product reviews
Increase sales by allowing shoppers to give their reviews on specific products they've ordered on your site. An overall average rating will be displayed for each of your reviewed products along with the details of each review. This information will give future shoppers confidence when ordering these products. You have the option to approve each review before it appears. This gives you the chance to prevent spam or other unwanted messages in your product reviews.
Related products
Encourage the purchase of complementary product sales by having related products appear to the shopper when looking through your items or checking out on your site. You have the option to have related products appear sitewide or set each product to have its own set of related products.
Import & export store data
Setup your store faster by using the import products option. This allows you to create a text file with all product information. When importing this text file, your products will automatically be created or updated. Set your product images in the product import file or use the bulk image uploader to set your overview, detail, and zoom product images.
Exporting your data is simple. All order and customer data can be exported to CSV text files. These files can be used in conjuction with spread sheet programs to create custom ecommerce reports.