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Your account name is either your domain name or the site name you entered when creating your account. Use your domain name if you have already setup a domain on your account. Use your site name if you have not setup a domain name yet.
QuickBizSites News & Updates
Thursday, February 05 2009

Ecommerce : phone/manual order entry
Better support for phone orders and manual order entry has been added. To create orders manually go to the store manager and click the "phone orders" link in the view/process orders section.

Ecommerce : Google checkout
Support for the Google checkout gateway has been added (open beta test)

Ecommerce : Misc

  • AVS/CVV results : The order details page now displays the results for the AVS/CVV match from your payment gateway. (NOTE: for results to display, this feature must be supported for your payment gateway)
  • Australia post


  • text/style preview on the color selection page
  • new backgrounds
  • color scheme generator updated - text/style preview & an option to set the background color
  • text & styles - pre defined text styles optomized for dark/light backgrounds
  • footer style - option to customize the footer text/links and the footer menu
  • new designs in the design library
System Update: 4.14c

Form builder
  • Support added for multi column forms. In the form field list add a column entry to set where a new column starts.
  • Option added to set the default product category overview and product detail layouts. Go to the store manager and click general settings to setup the default layouts.
System Update: 4.14b
Form builder
  • Contact/Leads DB. Use this option to save a contact record in your user database with basic contact information when a form is submitted.
  • Select which user groups contacts are added to.
  • Option to register users for multiple mailing lists from a form.
Mailing lists/user accounts
  • Setup multiple general signup mailing lists and use the form builder to create mailing list registration forms.
  • Mailing lists auto response messages can now be enabled for all mailing lists.
  • Navigation and links have been optimized to make it easier to access mailing list/user functions.
  • The user group properties page now allows you to change the group name.
  • Links on the users list pages to easily switch between groups.


System Update: 4.14a


  • Design: 26 new page backgrounds added
  • Design: new option added to find an layout by the "layout id"
  • Website: The site logo/banner is now clickable. When clicked visitors will go to the website home page.
  • Message board: option has been added to require users to either login or create an account to post messages. Search feature has been added to the message board.


System Update: 4.14

Blog Platform Enhancements:
The integrated blogging platform has been enhanced to provide for more flexibility and more advanced blogging features.

  • New blogs styles and layouts
  • Setup and manage categories for blog entries
  • Blog categories and archive sections show number of posts on the sidebar link
  • Set comments to display on the blog detail page or in a popup window
  • Set blog sections to use site page titles or groupboxes
  • New blog management page displays blog entries, number of comments and entries with pending comments
Upgraded 2.0 text editor
The 2.0 text editor has been upgraded. This upgrade enables text edit features for the following web browsers: Safari, Google Chrome and Opera. The 2.0 text editor has also been set as the default text editor for all non Internet Explorer web browsers.

Design : custom page banners

Support for customizing your site banner/header image on a per page basis. To use this feature edit any page and click the "header options" link. This option will allow you to upload your own custom banner for the selected page.


  • New themes
  • Many new system banners have been added
  • New backgrounds
  • New groupboxes
Sitemaps/robots.txt enhancements
To help increase exposure in search engines, especially Google, the system will now automatically generate an optimized sitemaps.xml file as you make updates to your site. This file includes all your site pages, blog entries and product detail pages. The search engines use this file to easily index your site and to detect when your site content has been updated. The system also generates a default robots.txt file.
  • Automated google sitemaps generation
  • Auto generated robots.txt file for full site indexing
Ecommerce : enhanced product searching
The ecommerce product search has been upgraded to allow customers to filter search results by product category and product price.

Media Components
The system media components have been upgraded.

  • New integrated flash media player supports playing .flv (flash) video files as well as many other video formats
  • Easily switch between the new flash media player and the standard browser plugin media player
  • New option to upload videos directly to your YouTube account from your website
Misc Changes
  • Account information change notice. Anytime your account information is updated or your password is reset, you will receive a notification email.
  • An option to delete user accounts has been added.
  • Create categories for calendar events.
  • Message board topic sorting.
  • Spam filtering enhancements.
  • Website settings and ecommerce settings overview pages provide an "at a glance" view of your configuration settings.

Domain manager

  • View all domains associated with your account
  • View domain status and expiration dates
  • Register new domains or add an existing domain to your account

PREVIEW: advanced file uploader

  • Easier file upload with one click and file selection
  • Upload progress display
  • Use multi select to upload multiple files at the same time with the file manager and image galleries
  • To enable the advanced uploader, go to an upload form and click the link to try the advanced uploader
  • If you have feedback or problems using the advanced file uploader, contact support and switch back to the default file uploader

PREVIEW: advanced page editor

  • Quicker page editing with "in page" features
  • Easily move components on the page without a page reload
  • Overlay component editor makes it easy to access the component edit pages
  • Component updates are instantly applied to your page without needing to reload the page
  • Optimized component menu for adding/inserting and accessing component properties
  • To enable the advanced page editor, edit any page and click the change link inside the section 1 header
  • If you have feedback or problems using the advanced page editor, contact support and switch back to the default page editor


Posted by: Admin AT 11:19 am   |  Permalink   |  Email