QuickBizSites News & Updates
Wednesday, April 25 2007
Page Editor/Components:
- Browser Icon - setup a browser icon (favicon.ico). Go to Edit Site, Settings.
- Blog comments - enable comments on blog posts
- Content rotator - setup content on a page that rotates every page view or based on a date
- Photo gallery page type
- New Photo Display Components (gallery, rotator, slider, thumb viewer, image bar)
- Google maps - the map component now supports Google maps. You will have to get a Google Maps API key.
- Holiday banners
- Enhanced text/link styles - new setting page allows you to set the default font name, size, colors and styles for text and links.
- Custom font names - use this advanced option to add your own font name choices to the text editor, groupboxes and page titles. View your site, click the settings button and then choose the Editor setitngs link.
- User account import/export - import users into a user group. Go to Admin, User Groups to import users
- Dashes in page URLs - you can change how page names appear in the URL to use a dash ("-") instead of an underscore ("_"). You have to rename the page for the URL of a page to be changed.
- Last Modified Date for pages - the page properties (Page List, Properties) shows the date you last modified the page
- User FTP Accounts - you can allow users of your site to upload files via FTP. To enable access, go to Edit Site, Settings, User Account Settings.
- Message board bbcode - allows text formatting in the message board.
- File upload utility - the file upload utility allows you to easily transfer files from your computer to your website. Upload images directly to photo galleries on your website.
Mailing List enhancements
- Mailing list signup from form builder - enable signup to the mailing list from the form builder
- AutoResponders/Drip Marketing - setup automated emails sent out to members of your mailing list at a specific number of days from the day they signup to your mailing list
- WishList
- Google Base export for products
- Product Link Generator - to generate a link to a particular product that you can place on another website. Edit the product, select "Advanced Settings", and "Product Links"
- Copy Product - to copy a product, go to the product editor and select the "Copy Product" button.
- Ecommerce shipping - flat rate by weight
- USPS Shipping Labels/Delivery Confirmation
- FEDEX package tracking
- Payment gateways:
- PayTrace
- Sterling Payment
- PayJunction
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